Monday, January 25, 2016

About Me

My name is Sarahanne McCool. My parents pushed Sarah and Anne together because they didn't want people calling me Sam (S.A.M), but I go by Sarah. I am 25 years old, and this is my second attempt at SBCC. I attended right out of high school and dropped out after 2 semesters of not really trying in the first place.

The significant push that encouraged me to take a break was when my father's life was at serious risk. I moved back to my adolescent home, in Redding, California, to be his caretaker. My father has been sick my whole life. He fell off a 4 story building while working in construction when I was 6 months old. He spent the first 5 years of my life in a hospital bed, not being able to walk due to his many injuries (I'll spare you the details). I was originally born in Santa Barbara and lived here until the age of 5, where we moved to Bellingham, Washington for treatment for my father. After 2 more years of surgeries with this specialist, he was able to walk again. He is in many medical journals for the crazy things his body has been through. I mention all of this because it is imperative information to truly understand who I am. My life has been a good one, but also one of adversity. I am truly blessed for any situation (good or bad) that may broaden my horizons and change my perspective, because thats what life is all about... EXPERIENCES. My father is my best friend, and he is my biggest learning tool. Because of him, I am resilient. Not much can keep me down, because I have witnessed many miracles within these 25 years, while studying the art of struggling. To keep your head up in the face of adversity and to push forward is the true meaning success.

I am a philosophy major with a broad list of ideas for "what I want to be when I grow up". I know that I want to do something impactful, for me, and for others. I don't have things figured out in the least, but I am enjoying this beautiful ride to personal growth and betterment.

My mantra (a quote from the homie, Billy Shakes)
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."

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